Dhampus Peak Climbing

Dhampus Peak lies north –east of bigh Dhaulagiri massif. It is in terms of climbing technicalities an easy mountain to ascent. The overwhelming altitude differenced between Annapurna and Dhaulagiri range make Dhampus peak a very exposed spot to observe the scenenry from which you can enjoy with Dhaulagiti ( 8167m) , Tucuche Peak (6920m) and others mountains . The biggest mountain ranges in the world with uninterrupted height between seven 7 and 8 thousand meters. Containing Annapurna 1,2,3,4, Annapurna south, the Nilgiris and Tilicho Peak tower above the horizon in the south. The 3500m ascent from Tukuche, where our climb starts, makes you feel having gone really high. The normal peak to Dhampus peak follows the west ridge, which connects Dhampus Pass (5200m), where our highest camp is placed with the summit. The expedition exceeds the 6000m frontier; no technical climbing skills are required. The use of crampons depends on snow conditions.

Trip Facts

Duration: 20 Days
Activities: Peak Climbing
Accommodation: Camping
Region: Dhampus
Grade: Medium
Group size: Min. 1- Max.12
Season: Apr - Jun / Sep - Nov Dec
Max. Altitude: 6012m
Transport: Fly in -Fly Out

Norbulinka Adventure P. Ltd.

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